About Me

Hello, and thanks for visiting my shop! My name is Abbey Vice and I'm the designer of everything you see in my store. I am a 45 year old mom of 2 and I have been involved with art since I was a kid. I have been freelance designing since 2008. I enjoy painting and designing graphics for t-shirts, hoodies, framed prints, and just all around unique art gifts. My goal is to continue growing my shop so that there's a little bit of everything to choose from. My artwork doesn't necessarily follow "trends" all of the time, and nothing you see is AI art...I like to be as original as I can and come up with designs that you won't find in soooo many online stores today. Among all of my different designs, you will find quite a few with owls...I am a big time owl lover. (I just think they are so majestic and pretty.) Hence, the reason for my logo, which I designed to represent strength, skill, and wisdom.

I also love creating custom artwork for clothing, prints, basically anything you see in my shop can be personalized with an idea you have. I've helped many customers come up with some truly awesome gifts through the years!

Why I Created an Online Store

If you've read this far, thank you, and I'll tell you a brief history of why I am so passionate about art and running my own store. Art has always been my "outlet" and has helped me in so many ways in life. I consider art as a wonderful tool to destress and to endure certain challenges in life. In 2022, I had what was left of my pancreas (after years of disease) removed. It was my second pancreas surgery, and a very dangerous one with serious risks, called the "Whipple". You will eventually see some designs in my shop that mention this, so now you know why. Presently, I'm a brittle diabetic as well as living with no pancreas, spleen, gall bladder, gastroparesis, malnutrition, and minus 1 foot of intestines. Not quite the life I imagined as a 45 year old woman. Years of living with disease has taught me a lot, embarrassed me at times, and humbled me in so many different ways. I have always turned to my art to help me through when days are tough. Sometimes when I'm creating, I just don't focus so much on things like pain or negative thinking. I am also very lucky to have an amazing husband who has been right by my side through the good, the bad, and the ugly (and it got veryy ugly). He helps me come up with ideas sometimes and he's my biggest fan! It's my biggest dream to make enough money to buy him a truck, and buy us a log cabin with a little bit of land and a small pond to fish in. Then I can kick back in a chair every evening and do some catfishing and enjoy the water. Not much to ask for, right? That's a fun dream, but the truth is, they don't call us starving artists for nothin'! :D I guess that's what we artists do, we dream a lot lol.

Ok, enough dreaming....honestly, I created a shop so that I can share my talents and bring some happiness to my customers' lives with fun, unique designs and special personalized gifts, while doing something that I truly love to do. I can only hope that others will enjoy my art as much as I enjoy creating it. Rest assured that when you purchase something from my shop, it is greatly appreciated, keeps me working towards my goals, and gives me a sense of purpose.
